PHP Part01 Variables and Calculation
PHP Part03 Control Statements
Let's code the control statement in PHP.
PHP Part02 Arrays
Let's code about arrays and array processing in PHP.
PHP Part01 Variables and Calculation
Let's actually code and execute storage in variables and operations in PHP.
Install Vim on Linux
Install Vim in your linux environment.
Install Git on Linux
Install git on rocky linux.
Install Apache in Linux environment
Install Apache in the Linux environment and build an environment where scripting languages such as php can be executed.
Install PHP in Linux environment
Rocky LinuxへPHPをインストールします。Red Hat系Distributionの"RPMパッケージ"を使用します。
Build a programming environment Windows 03
Staticize the local IP of the guest operating system.Prevents the IP from changing every time you connect via SSH.
Build a programming environment Windows 01
Build a programming environment on Windows using a virtual platform.
Start by installing the virtual environment.
Build a programming environment Windows 02 Linux installation
今回はRocky Linuxを使用します。